Simple Portfolio
Simple-Portfoliio Is a free and open-source portfolio template site built with Astro v5-Beta. It's a great starting point for creating your portfolio site using the last Astro features.
Simple-Portfoliio Is a free and open-source portfolio template site built with Astro v5-Beta. It's a great starting point for creating your portfolio site using the last Astro features.
A free, production-ready Astro template built with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript, optimized for Shopify.
A Premium Template with superb performance and design, perfect for startups and SaaS websites, built with Astro & TailwindCSS.
Mobit Astro is a modern, performance-optimized website template designed specifically for SaaS and startups.
A great option for those seeking a clean and effective portfolio layout
An Astro Starter 🛠️ - batteries-included - designed for content-driven pages like portfolios, landing pages, showcases, and more. With a focus on simplicity, speed, and developer happiness, this starter helps you skip the repetitive boilerplate setup and dive straight into creating.
A sleek, modern and elegant portfolio theme for creatives of all kinds to showcase their work with style and leave a lasting impression.
A terminal-like web application built with Astro, React, and Tailwind CSS that simulates a Linux environment, allowing users to navigate directories, interact with files, and view images in modals.
🚀 A minimal and feature-rich theme for your blog and personal website with clean and elegant look. Included TinaCMS (ready to use)
A minimal, responsive, and SEO-friendly blog template built with Astro.
A free photography theme for Astro V5 with pricing, portfolios, testimonials, and more
Sapick Astro is a SaaS template designed specifically for IT and startup companies, built with Tailwind CSS.
Anyone can submit a theme to Astro. If you have questions about building your own theme, join our community on Discord!
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